The daily nightmares of writing and living

Posts tagged ‘music’

Pic With Friend – Posting Challenge, Day 11

(Also be sure to follow along with TinaJeanKrista, and Tambo as they say much more sane and less esoteric things than me!)

These posts really assume I’m an interesting person, don’t they?

Today is another picture of me with my friends, because, you know, I have permission to splash their faces all over the net. Not.

All right, here’s one of my subversive pictures with a small and very prosaic story attached.

No, really, it was easy....

It was a new year party/birthday party of a friend, and we all got together, got a little smashed, and enjoyed such party essentials as “is the bathroom ever free,” “long talks about nothing at all,” “drinking games,” “ease the munchies,” and Rock Band. These days, no party is complete without Rock Band.

I don’t really play guitar, and i find the game guitar fun, but not really my thing. I loved the drums–for about five seconds. The drum set was somehow not coordinated with the game right; you’d hit the drum, then about two seconds later the game would register the hit. The lag in anything else  would be barely noticeable, but in Rock Band precision timing is critical. It frustrated so many people that the entire drum set eventually got stowed.

This left guitar, bass guitar, and microphone. A lifelong attendance of choral classes had me gravitating towards, you guessed it, the microphone.

I spent a lot of the night singing, actually, with varying results. The 100% up there, however, was the apparent amazement of those around me when I belted out a perfect score on a song I’d never even heard before. Keep in mind, it was on Easy, and Easy is really, really forgiving. I tried higher levels with songs I did know and bombed badly.

But it made the message board anyway. Other well wishes and smart-ass remarks were erased so my accomplishment could be posted, and it stayed there the rest of the night.

I still say it was only because it was on Easy.

How is this a pic of me with friends? Well, every message there is from a party-goer. One was written by my roomie, one by her sister, and the rest from people I know. Except the well hung bird. I have no idea who drew that (or if it was originally intended to have a ding dong), but you must admit, it’s an amusing little doodle. The bird seems genuinely surprised by his dong.

Musical Madness – Posting Challenge, Day 10

(Also be sure to follow along with Tina, Jean, Krista, and Tambo as they say much more sane and less esoteric things than me!)

Also note: If SOPA and PIPA pass, I could go to jail for this post, for daring to embed my favorite songs into a post and giving these musicians free advertising. This post could also be used to shut down WordPress and YouTube…permanently. Please click the link in the upper right hand corner of this blog and protest these bills–or any future bills like them, being passed.

Today’s challenge? Songs I listen to when I’m happy, sad, bored, hyper, and mad. Translation? An excuse to link spam! SQUEE!!!

The problem is, this is going to be difficult, since I have no one particular song for any of these emotions. Not to mention, these are very rigidly defined. For instance, the song I would listen to if I were mad at some jerk for cutting me off and making me miss my exit would be different than the song I listened to if I were fuming over an ex. And for either of those situations, I have probably fifty songs in my arsenal.

I am a music-o-holic, always have been. Even as a child, the radio was on in our house (back when radio was still good) more often than the tv. I took to cassette tapes like a duck to water, and I probably owned a million of them. My musical tastes in rock run from practically the birth of rock all the way up to the present day, and I love songs that you’ve probably never heard of. I also dip into industrial, jazz, blues, folk, symphonic metal, experimental, pagan, comedy, some older country, a very little rap, and gods only know what else. And if you have explored every one of those links, congratulations, you are as music crazy as I am. And probably up as late.

Choosing just one per mood is not easy; it’s tantamount to simply pulling a title out of my ass and calling it Gospel. It irks me. But on the flip side, if I went off on a music-y tangent, we’d be here all year.

What to do…what to do….

Edit: Eh, screw this. I was laying down a pretty good post, when WordPress screwed up enough of the formatting that I had a choice to laboriously redo it, or go back and just do the original question.

Hellooooo, original question! Let’s get this done in five minutes, shall we? I’ll probably still be giving it my own take, it’s just a different take from the one I was using before.


Beloved Music – Posting Challenge, Day 10

(Also be sure to follow along with TinaJeanKrista, and Tambo as they say much more sane and less esoteric things than me!)

Also note: If SOPA and PIPA pass, I could go to jail for this post, for daring to embed my favorite songs into a post and giving these musicians free advertising. This post could also be used to shut down WordPress and YouTube…permanently. Please write your congress-critter and protest these bills–or any future bills like them, being passed.

Today’s challenge? Songs I listen to when I’m happy, sad, bored, hyper, and mad. Translation? An excuse to link spam! SQUEE!!!

The problem is, this is going to be difficult, since I have no one particular song for any of these emotions. Not to mention, these are very rigidly defined. For instance, the song I would listen to if I were mad at some jerk for cutting me off and making me miss my exit would be different than the song I listened to if I were fuming over an ex. And for either of those situations, I have probably fifty songs in my arsenal.

I am a music-o-holic, always have been. Even as a child, the radio was on in our house (back when radio was still good) more often than the tv. I took to cassette tapes like a duck to water, and I probably owned a million of them. My musical tastes in rock run from practically the birth of rock all the way up to the present day, and I love songs that you’ve probably never heard of. I also dip into industrial, jazz, blues, folk, symphonic metal, experimental, pagan, comedy, some older country, a very little rap, and gods only know what else. And if you have explored every one of those links, congratulations, you are as music crazy as I am. And probably up as late.

Choosing just one per mood is not easy; it’s tantamount to simply pulling a title out of my ass and calling it Gospel. It irks me. But on the flip side, if I went off on a music-y tangent, we’d be here all year.

What to do…what to do….

Edit: Eh, screw this. I was laying down a pretty good post, when WordPress screwed up enough of the formatting that I had a choice to laboriously redo it, or go back and just do the original question.

Hellooooo, original question! Let’s get this done in five minutes, shall we? I’ll probably still be giving it my own take, it’s just a different take from the one I was using before.
